Morning half day city tour of Mombasa

Mombasa city tour and shopping excursion.

Learn the history of the East African coast with the Arab and Portuguese quest for control of trade routes.

Tour starts in the early morning to avoid the high day temperatures

Tour Highlights:

  • Old town of Mombasa with Swahili and Arabic culture
  • Fort Jesus Museum – synonymous with the history of the East African Coast
  • Food and spice market – a glimpse into the lives of the local people
  • Trademark Elephant tusks – the gateway to Mombasa
  • Likoni Channel – Port entry into Kenya
  • Akamba wood carving factory – local talents in arts
  • Shopping, people and local culture

US$ 60 per person

NB//  A day City Tour, Lunch Tamarind Dhow & visit Bamburi Nature Trail will cost US$200 per person

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